Friday, February 28, 2020


You are a unique individual, not duplicated by any of the 5.5 billion people living on earth.  Your fingerprints are unique, your smile is unique, and every cell in your body is unlike those of any other person.

Likewise, every Social Security disability claim is unique.

Your claim is not like anyone else's claim.

That's why I cringe when I hear someone comparing their claim to someone else's.  No!  It just isn't possible.

"My sister's claim was approved in just 24 days!"

"Uncle Albert's claim was paid without having a hearing."

"My neighbor said his hearing only lasted 5 minutes!"

Never, ever take what happened in somebody's else's case to be any indication of what will happen in yours.  No two cases are alike.

I just made a list of all the things can be different between two Social Security disability cases.  This list probably isn't complete, but it will give you an idea: 
  • different ages
  • different past work experience
  • different medical conditions
  • different medical treatment
  • different doctors
  • different judge hears the case (no they are not all alike)
  •  different residual functional capacity
  • diffferent lifting limits
  • different education level
  • different job skills
Well meaning people can give you a lot of information about disability claims.  But what you really need is advice based on your set of facts and unique scenario that is YOUR claim.

The best 15 minutes you ever spend may be talking to an experienced disability advocate or attorney.  Someone who has set before a judge hundreds (or thousands) of times and seen how the unique set of facts in a case determines the outcome.

Let an advocate analyze your facts on your case.

A "one size fits all" approach is no good at all. 

And the fact that Uncle Albert won his case should give you absolutely no comfort at all.


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