Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Handing your disability claim is a time consuming job.  There are so many things to do, and so many deadlines to be met.  Failure to meet deadlines will potentially cause your claim to be denied and send you back to the drawing board to start over.

First, you complete dozens of pages of forms.  Then, more forms arrive in the mail.  Second, you begin to obtain medical records from your doctors and other providers, a time consuming and expensive proposition.

There will be questions from Social Security, which must be answered quickly and accurately.

If you apply national averages to your case, there is a 7 out of 10 chance that your claim will be denied and require an appeal process.  More forms, more questions, and more time invested.

It's no wonder that most people find Social Security disability to be confusing, demanding and overwhelming.  Too many folks just give up and quit.

The answer may be to get a professional representative, like the Forsythe Firm, to handle your claim or appeal.  We can do everything under one roof.  When you turn your case over to us, it frees up your time to get on with your life.

Best of all, there is no fee unless you win and receive back pay.  Even then, you won't need to write us a check.  Social Security will determine our fee and send us a payment automatically.


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